
Infant Full Time – $64.00 per day

Infant Part Time (Less than 4 days per week) – 68.00 per day

1 Year Old Full Time – $62.00 per day

1 Year Old Part Time (Less than 4 days per week) – $66.00 per day

2 Year Old Full Time – $56.00 per day

2 Year Old Part Time (Less than 4 days per week) – $60.00 per day

3K Full Time – $53.00 per day

3K Part Time (Less than 4 days per week) – $58.00 per day

4K Full Time (both wrap around and all day) $47.00 per day

4K Part Time (Less than 4 days per week, both wrap around and all day) – $51.00 per day

Tuition includes lunch and a morning and afternoon snack.

Parents pay for all days your child/children are scheduled to attend Little Hearts except if your schedule falls on a holiday. A 25% discount will be applied to the oldest child when more than 1 child attends Little Hearts. Parents will receive a refund on the last day of attendance if there is a balance.

Registration Fee

$45.00 per family, due annually or if your child does not attend for more than 2 (two) consecutive weeks.

Security Deposits

A one week security deposit is required at the time of registration and will be used on the child’s last week at Little Hearts Preschool.